
Join Audubon Today

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Both the National Audubon Society and the Tulsa Audubon Society are nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations.
JOIN TODAY! Join the National Audubon Society and your local chapter, the Tulsa Audubon Society, and enter a world filled with fellowship, birds, wildlife, knowledge, action, beauty, growth, value and adventure.

Please select a membership level. All levels include Tulsa and National Audubon memberships and Audubon magazine. Sustaining and Supporting levels are an excellent way to provide further support that stays with Tulsa Audubon. 
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Membership includes quarterly issues of Audubon magazine.
To renew your National/Local Audubon membership return the renewal form you receive from National Audubon. 

Become a member of Audubon and join a community of people who care about nature.

Together, we can create a world in which birds, other wildlife and people can all thrive. Whether it's through our national network of chapters, our nature centers and sanctuaries or through Audubon's many scientific, educational and advocacy programs, we will help you to make a difference in your home, backyard and community.

Be a silent partner if you must, never attend a meeting if you don't have the time, but join and make a difference by that act. Plus receive information about Tulsa Audubon, and get our newsletter, the Tulsa Scissortail, to learn about local events. Learn the birds of your area on our many field trips, enjoy the monthly programs, and help children and adults appreciate the world around us through our outreach efforts.

Thank you for joining Audubon!  New members may join at the special introductory rate of $21 for the first year. This provides full membership in both National Audubon and Tulsa Audubon and includes four quarterly issues of Audubon Magazine. For additional membership information contact John Kennington via email or at 918-809-6325.

For new National/Local memberships you may join online to the right, or mail your check to:

Tulsa Audubon Society
7511 E 89th Pl
Tulsa, OK 74133

Here are 4 great reasons to support one of America's
foremost conservation groups.
  1. Sound Science and Rigorous Research are the basis for Audubon's winning plans to protect wetlands, ancient forests, fisheries and other wilderness areas.
  2. Effective Advocacy from Congress to the courts has won key victories for birds, other wildlife and their habitats.
  3. Excellence in Education is Audubon's hallmark, from our more that 100 Centers, to classrooms, summer camps, ecology workshops, television, publications, and our electronic network of activists.
  4. One of the broadest memberships of any environmental organization spans more than 500 local chapters in the Americas. Recently, thousands of members joined forces and signed an Environmental Bill of Rights urging Congress to protect our right to a safe and healthy environment.

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